
Con 2 espectáculos cada día (19:00 y 20:45), no te pierdas la oportunidad de disfrutar del mejor flamenco en vivo de Granada.

  • I went with a group, and it was an amazing experience; mournful, thrilling, strong, fun. I’m so very glad I was able to see this show. Thanks for the talent and passion we experienced.

    thumb Joan Bounds Droste
    julio 3, 2024

    Amazing, beautiful and very captivating show with a lot of sounds Dancers were full of passion and energy, loved it!

    thumb Esraa Barhoumeh
    junio 23, 2024

    This flamenco show in Granada is truly impressive and offers the audience an excellent cultural experience. Although the environment in which the show takes place is not entirely dignified, the overall impression of the show is significantly positive. I recommend it to any visitor to Granada who is looking for authentic and memorable entertainment.

    thumb Aleš Gába
    abril 22, 2024
  • A truly unforgettable experience! We purchased the VIP seats and were glad we did. We ended up being seated in the first row with an amazing view of the performers! The entire show was mesmerizing. The dancers had such intensity and were incredibly talented. The guitarist was phenomenal. And the vocalist had so much passion and talent. We enjoyed every minute!

    thumb Monica Ahn
    abril 20, 2024

    The show was very inspiring and all the group loved it. The seats are well set and you can see the stage well. We loved the experience 🤎

    thumb Anelia Haradinova
    abril 2, 2024

    Great show, highly recommended! We reserved first row tickets and although it’s a small theatre we think it’s worth it. We had 4 artists incl. 2 dancers, one male one female, all were great! Sorry no pictures since videos can’t be uploaded.

    thumb Knud Wencke
    marzo 22, 2024
  • Highly recommendable experience. The artists change daily; it is great to have a mixture. I would have liked to hear them for even longer.

    thumb Lucia Luna Valverde
    marzo 21, 2024

    What a spectacular show I saw here! Both the male and female dancers were extremely good in their performance and I have seen quite a few flamenco shows living in spain for almost 7 years. This show I attended brought smile to my face and also tears in my eyes. It was quite an experience watching such good performances of the dancers as well as the singer and the guitarist. Would highly recommend!

    thumb Rubaiya Binte Hussain
    enero 14, 2024

    It was a truly impressive flamenco performance. It was an even more impressive performance because I could feel the anger and resentment on the female dancer’s expression. The male dancer was quite famous and it was a really great performance. I highly recommend you visit once.

    thumb M Pak
    diciembre 22, 2023

Espectáculo Flamenco Granada

Tablao Flamenco

La Alboreá

El Tablao Flamenco La Alboreá se encuentra en un entorno privilegiado de la ciudad de Granada, justo en el centro histórico de la capital, a pocos minutos de los principales puntos de interés turístico, como son Albaicín, Plaza Nueva, Alhambra, Catedral o Sacromonte.

Disfrute del Flamenco

más Puro y Tradicional

Esta situación idónea se complementa a la perfección con un espacio único y acogedor donde cada día se conjura el cante, el toque y el baile en un espectáculo de flamenco tradicional, a la vez que profesional y sobre todo, muy puro.

Una vez dentro de La Alboreá, el asistente tiene la posibilidad de elegir entre la cercanía al tablao en el graderío principal, con cómodas butacas numeradas e individuales, o el ambiente íntimo de nuestros reservados en la planta superior, donde se sirven nuestras exquisitas cenas con las que podrá complementar su velada flamenca.


El Espectáculo de Flamenco

más Natural y Auténtico

Gracias a la acústica del local, podrá disfrutar del flamenco en vivo más natural y auténtico en nuestro espectáculo de flamenco Granada. La decoración sobria y cuidada y la iluminación cálida, recrean una atmósfera especial, colorida e íntima.

La proximidad del público, muy cerca del tablao, permite al asistente vibrar con la pasión y el sentimiento ligado a este arte multicultural patrimonio de la Unesco.

Un complemento indispensable para el correcto desarrollo de la velada flamenca es el personal de sala, altamente cualificado y con conocimientos en idiomas como el inglés, francés, italiano o alemán.

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